Jan 28, 2021
J.L. is new to writing but she’s determined to build a career, so if you’re a younger writer, or have a teenager interested in what it takes, she'll inspire you to start right now learning your craft and putting your story down on paper. Plus when was the last time you heard a writer say they actually liked the...
Jan 21, 2021
If you’re a pantser, this interview is for you! Susan is squarely in the camp of letting your characters tell you their story and she’s got the books to prove it. She’s a prolific romance novelist who is now venturing into women’s fiction, specifically historical tales from late 1800’s America. Her best...
Jan 14, 2021
Learn how the convergence of knowing someone in a women’s prison, the popularity of Orange is the New Black, and overheard conversations at her law firm about whistleblower monetary rewards came together to inspire this best-selling novel which her agent sold in less than three weeks.
A.H. Kim is an immigrant,...
Jan 7, 2021
In this podcast, Tricia and I discuss how a question her daughter posed was the “what if” inspiration behind her debut, how her background in screenwriting both helped and provided challenges when she turned to novel-writing and how, despite the fact she’d landed a top agent, she eventually decided...