Oct 28, 2021
Jill's dual time-line debut is loosely based on her grandmother’s story of life during the depression and finding her way into a creative career, much the way Jill has since leaving her high-tech career. And if there ever was a testimonial for what the Women’s Fiction Writer’s Association can offer a novice...
Oct 21, 2021
Hear how an unexpected encounter in a grocery store line became the impetus for Christina Consolino's novel and how she did a major rewrite late in the process to give both her POV characters more agency. We also delve into her decision to publish with a small press, how her best marketing tool has been word of...
Oct 14, 2021
We discuss KD's debut, a fictionalized version of a small-town murder in the late 1920’s that wound up garnering world-wide attention.and took place only two counties over from KD’s home base in southwestern Wisconsin. KD credits the advice she got from a former student as well as support from local bookstores and...
Oct 7, 2021
Jeannee delves into her love for the rich heritage of Afghanistan, which forms the backdrop of her debut and how, even at an early age, teachers singled her stories out for praise, so she’s always considered herself a writer despite years as a professor as well as a photographer. You’ll learn how she re-wrote her...